About Us
Northern Yearly Meeting (NYM) was established in 1975 to connect and nourish Quakers in the north central US region as we play, build community, share resources, conduct business and engage with the larger world. We are also known as Friends.
We recognize and embrace the Divine in all people and welcome everyone regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or gender identity. NYM is committed to seeking right relationship with Native Peoples and with the earth we inhabit, and to work toward being anti-racist in faith and practice.
Worshiping primarily in unprogrammed style, NYM is affiliated with the Friends General Conference (FGC) (Liberal) branch of the Religious Society of Friends.

- We hold an Annual Session where hundreds of Friends – adult and youth – come together each Memorial Day Weekend for fellowship, worship, and to conduct the yearly meeting’s business.
- We meet for Spring and Fall Interim Sessions, hosted by different Meetings in varied locations and online, where we continue to build community and conduct business.
- Adult Young Friends (AYF) stay connected as they transition from youth to adult roles.
- Inter-visitation among meetings and worship groups provides a way to share news and concerns, and to provide and receive spiritual comfort and support in times of challenge.
- Workshops, both in person and virtual, are offered periodically to deepen our Quaker faith and practices and to help us develop skills, grow spiritually and have an impact on world events.
- Children and Youth Programming at Annual Session and at teen retreats throughout the year fosters lifelong bonds among young Quakers.
- Committees do the actual work of NYM, meeting in person and virtually, and are a great way to get to know Friends beyond the local Meeting.
How we do things
- Northern Yearly Meeting Faith and Practice explores our Quaker beliefs and testimonies and suggests how they can be applied to everyday life. The publication also outlines our practices around worship, decision making, membership and more. It also provides a history of Quakerism, the Peace Testimony and Northern Yearly Meeting.
- Structure & Function: a brief overview of how we are organized.
- How we conduct business: learn about Quaker decision-making process.